Regal Curio Enterprise Co.,Ltd
“REGAL”,its idea came from the owner of Regal company Andy Chen,When he took his overseas studies in London and saw the royal parade offered by British queen in Buckingham Palace,The name of Regal came into being as our company and brand name,It symbols noble and honorable as our product style,but the deepest meaning is its popularization like our policy by offering the very competitive price to our customers.   Our REGAL brand registered in 1979 in Taiwan for manufacturing”writing instrument”and contributing to sales till now,since 1987,we started our exporting business with”REGAL”brand all over the world and apply”REGAL”brand registeration in some countries,In the meanwhile,we actively attend the international exhibition to take the best opportunity to introduce our product to customers,We sell our high quality goods through over the world,Europe,U.S.A.Middle&South American,Asia ,Africa,and Middle East etc total 58 countries. Now we have established our brand sales agent with 23 countries called our partner”Regal Family”.We also make OEM&ODM for some very famous company which their brand tracks all over the world,With accumulating experience of 31 years in innovation,design,high quality control,good reputation which as our very valued treasure and help us stand on very solid foot to look forward the bright future.    
企业性质:Collective 经营模式:Maker
注册资金:Below $200000 年营业额:Below $200000
联系人:Johnzone chen 公司雇员:100--200
进出口权:Y 主营产品:Gift pen, gift pen, stationery, ballpoint pen, automatic pen, pencil, YiJinBi, autotype, orb is pen

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