Ningbo Vochi Auto Parts Co.,Ltd
Vochi's Mission Sustainable AA TOP enterprise, become the leader of the field, benefit customers worldwide by creating most innovative products! Vochi’s Aim Be success with customers: providing high-quality, complete products and services to meet customer's requirements. Developing with employees: employees are our wealth, to provide staff with a good working environment and opportunities for development. Progress together with society: Assist to establish a sound market system, boost the economic development and fulfill social responsibility. Share profit with shareholders: Maximize shareholders' equity, emphasis on shareholder's value and create sustainable business.
企业性质:State-owned 经营模式:Maker
注册资金:Below $200000 年营业额:$500000-$1000000
联系人:Wu Youfen 公司雇员:51--100
进出口权:Y 主营产品:China

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