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gabion box

ID:10776 View:962
Date Listed: 2011-10-21 11:32:01 Country: China»Hebei»Shijiazhuang
Poster: Eric Zhao Company: HEBEI YUJINTE IMP AND EXP CO.,LTD
Location: No.2013,Unit one ,Hongren Building, Ning An Road No.168, Shijiazhuang City ,Hebei ,China Website: HEBEI YUJINTE IMP AND EXP CO.,LTD
Email: Mobile: 15932689921
Fax: 86-0311-87830889 MSN:

Gabions is a rectangular metal net basket filled with rocks at the project site to allow flexibility in the form of infiltration, the overall structure, such as retaining walls for commercial, industrial and road projects. They also used to control erosion, bank stability, channel lining, and weirs. Gabion forces flourished from hexagonal double twisted wire mesh is to strengthen the selvedges along the edge of a heavier line and a horizontal diaphragm. Double twisted pair will not collapse, even if cut off. Gabions in China is easy assembly, no need for specialized labor and can be used in the vicinity of the rock fill. Gabions prosperity can be different levels of protection and durability of coatings. 30% of holes gabion structure to provide free drainage to provide greater stability, the Bank for bank protection. Advantages of woven gabions: Monolithic and Flexible structures Tolerates differential settlement Uniform wire coating for extra durability s Permeable structures Pre-assembled units for fast installation and higher quality product No specialized labor required for installation Soil Bioengineering

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