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mobile food coffee bike for sale

ID:147792 View:1465
Date Listed: 2017-02-11 09:41:05 Country: China»Anhui»Huaibei
Poster: peter cao Company: Huaibei jinxin electric bicycle Co.,Ltd
Location: East of Maozhuang Substation ,Duanyuan Town ,Huaibei City Website: Huaibei jinxin electric bicycle Co.,Ltd
Email: Mobile: 86-18752158377
Fax: 0086-0561-4173997 MSN:

1. Jxcycle Coffee Bike is committed to building you the most professional and unique espresso platforms, tailored around your specific needs and deployment strategies. 2. Our mobile coffee bike are known for their quality and durability, while creating the most unique atmosphere available for coffee enthusiasts. 3. Our units are very user-friendly, ensuring that the process of starting a mobile business is easy, fun, and profitable for any entrepreneur. 4. We are using high quality parts to make our coffe bike perfect.

Please Note that this information was issued on!

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