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Quercetin Dihydrate

ID:174729 View:1281
Date Listed: 2018-03-13 15:11:01 Country: China»Shaanxi»Xi' an
Poster: Daisy Gao Company: Xi'an Le Sen Bio-technology Co.,Ltd
Location: Zhangba 1st Rd Website: Xi'an Le Sen Bio-technology Co.,Ltd
Email: Mobile: 8618717351839
Fax: +86-029-68215447 MSN:

Quercetin, also known as quercetin, quercetin dissolved in glacial acetic acid, the alkaline aqueous solution was yellow, almost insoluble in water, ethanol solution tastes bitter. Quercetin can be used as drugs, has a good expectorant, cough effect, and some asthma. Quercetin also used for lowering blood pressure, increasing capillary resistance, reducing capillary fragility, expansion of coronary artery, Quercetin plays the role of the increase in coronary blood flow. For the treatment of chronic bronchitis. Quercetin is useful of adjuvant therapy in patients with coronary heart disease and hypertension. Prodcut name: Quercetin Latin Name: Scphora japonica L. Specification: 98% Appearance: Yellow fine powder Mesh size: 80 Mesh Used Part: Flower Grade: Food & Pharmaceutical Brand Name: LS-Herb Test Method: UV

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