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air caster principle

ID:176506 View:914
Date Listed: 2023-12-25 16:10:09 Country: China»Shandong»Qingdao
Poster: lei Company: Shan Dong Finer Lifting Tools co
Location: XiaZhuang street ChengYang Are Website: Shan Dong Finer Lifting Tools co
Email: Mobile: 86-18954718083
Fax: 0532-8068-7195 MSN:

The concept of the air caster rigging system shall include the hovercraft itself and the working environment of the installation. Air casters is composed of air conditioner, air cushion module, air bag and so on. move cleanroom machinerycan move heavy machines on a smooth surface without harming the floor.Because of when air cushion truck inflatable balloon expansion to form a circle, the air from the air The holes into the gas chamber, the building up of gas bearing in gas chamber pressure, and frustrated with the ground round form very thin air film. The air caster load moving equipment needs to be compressed when it works. Because the friction resistance of the gas make the film of air caster small, so Air Bearing turntables can push, rotate and set the weight in any direction with a small thrust. Regarding air rigging systems for sale discount, air casters price list, air moving skates applications, air bearing casters operating manual instruction, please kindly feel free contact us. professionally service hope will get your satisfaction. Shan Dong Finer Lifting Tools co.,LTD Skype: faithjiang888 Email: * Website:

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