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ID:184058 View:1611
Date Listed: 2019-11-06 01:21:28 Country: China»Hebei»Shijiazhuang
Poster: Cindy Company: Hebei Huiduo Chemical Material Co.,LTD
Location: No.1004,Caiku Building,Zhaiying Street,Yuhua District Website: Hebei Huiduo Chemical Material Co.,LTD
Email: Mobile:
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Wickr:huiduocindy 10 years+professional lab Contact me via: cindy(AT)tutanota(dot)com cindy(AT)huiduo-china(dot)com Homepage: Why Choose Us: 1.Quality oriented, deals with only quality compounds 2 Guaranteed delivery,Multi-payment procedure, Reputed Supplier for 10 years+ 3.Whole range of Research use lab chemicals to choose,samples before regular orders available 4.Wholesale discount available 5.Well expertised in package and custom clearance 6.Timely reply: All requests and inquiries will be replied within 24 hours, 24/7 7.Good ability on R&D of new substitutes for popular compounds 8.100% re-send policy if failed

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