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tabletop can openers china

ID:186513 View:1240
Date Listed: 2020-09-17 10:31:26 Country: China»null»Shanghai
Poster: Xie Minjun Company: China Professional Cutlery Cooking Accessories Inc
Location: 70 west road,shangtian,fenghua,ningbo,c Website: China Professional Cutlery Cooking Accessories Inc
Email: Mobile:
Fax: 86 574 88630458 MSN: null

China manufacturer and exporter of tabletop can openers,commercial foodservice equipments and supplies,catering supplies,griddle grill duster dust scrapers removers,tomato slicers,magnetic knife racks bars holders,knife racks and roll set kit bags,knife sharpening steel sharpeners,commercial kitchen knives chefs knives colour coded handles.

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