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ID:188925 View:1034
Date Listed: 2022-06-30 15:09:54 Country: China»Hubei»Wuhan
Poster: f Company: Lihe pharm technology co ., ltd
Location: chuhehanjie Website: Lihe pharm technology co ., ltd
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Hot Sell Product's Name CAS BMK Glycidic Acid (sodium salt) 5449-12-7 4'-Methylpropiophenone 5337-93-9 Pregabalin *-50-8 1,4-Butanediol 110-63-4 4,4-Piperidinediol hydrochloride *-34-4 N-(tert-Butoxycarbonyl)-4-piperidone *-07-3 1-BOC-4-(4-FLUORO-PHENYLAMINO)-PIPERIDINE *-56-8 PMK ethyl glycidate *-16-7 N-METHYLBENZAMIDE 613-93-4 Methylamine hydrochloride 593-51-1 Diethyl(phenylacetyl)malonate *-59-6 PMK ethyl glycidate *-16-7

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