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workwear and uniforms

ID:35441 View:1087
Date Listed: 2015-01-27 16:49:23 Country: China»Shaanxi»BaoJi
Poster: Emily Company: Emily
Location: 109BaoShi,JinTai,BaoJi Website: Emily
Email: Mobile: 8613609270982
Fax: MSN:

Long-sleeved cotton/polyester/cotton twill/anti-static overalls in gray,dark blue,khaki green,orange and red. Fabric Advantages:1.natural soft and no stimulation.This overalls use cotton fabric of rally-strong,wove-dear,soft,enviromental- health.They are comfortable,stylish,fashionable and full of natural beauty.There haven't has the slightest sense of oppressive and cramped when working.2.No balls and not fade or shrink.Using fine cotton fabrics and finished after repeated test.The classic simplicity pockets on both sides are both decorative and practical,and every detail is a perfect interpretation of the overalls.They themselves are a sense of quality and also the best choice in spring and autumn.

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