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Modular ultrasonic flow meter

ID:76036 View:669
Date Listed: 2016-03-30 18:24:34 Country: China»Liaoling»Dalian
Poster: Yvonne Company: Teren instruments
Location: No75 HuiLi Street, Huanan Industrial district, Dalian, China Website: Teren instruments
Email: Mobile: +8613624982092
Fax: 0411-86703696 MSN:

A new Low cost ultrasonic flow meter is the latest innovation from Teren, It employs cutting-edge technologies on ultrasonic transit-time measurement, digital signal processing and surface mounting electronics. It provides abundant capabilities for accurate liquid flow measurement from outside of a pipe. The proprietary signal quality tracking and self-adapting techniques allow the system to optimally adapt to different pipe materials automatically Low cost ultrasonic flow meter can be equipped with an optional LCD display /key board module. The users can either users can either use the RS-485 interface or the display /keyboard interface to program the flow meter. The transducer installation is also simple and no special skills or tools are required. Due to the non-intrusive nature of the clamp-on technology, there is no pressure drop, no moving parts, no leaks, no risk of contamination, no risk of corrosion, no pressure dependency. Low cost ultrasonic flow meter is designed for large quantity, low cost applications. Its unique features, particularly very low cost ,very high performance and very small size ,make it the ideal choice for industrial automation, processing control, water source management, flow meter networking and OEM applications

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