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good white vanity base

ID:78543 View:1604
Date Listed: 2016-04-24 18:47:31 Country: China»Fujian»quanzhou
Poster: wang Company: OLD BRIDGE Hotel Vanities
Location: Honggong Industrial area Honglai Nanan Quanzhou Fujian China Website: OLD BRIDGE Hotel Vanities
Email: Mobile: 1324343556
Fax: MSN:

1. Hotel bathroom metal base with stone countertop. 2. Dimension: 48"W × 22"D × 34“H 3. We can make whatever size or shape needed for your project 4. Unlimited stain & paint colors 5. Zero-emissions Solid Oak Metal legs with plywood carcass construction. 6. Adjustable Handle and Stainless Steel legs cups. 7. Faucet Sold Separately.

Please Note that this information was issued on!

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