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procaine hydrochloride

ID:8795 View:897
Date Listed: 2011-08-17 14:48:47 Country: China»Heilongjian»qiqiha'er
Poster: candice wang Company: Zhongbei Northland Bio Chem Co., Ltd
Location: 5F, C Liandalijing Bulding,No 259 Xinjiang Road, Jianhua District, Qiqiha'er City, Heilongjiang Province, China, 161000. ADD of factory:18 LUSHU ROAD 4 DISTRICT OF XIAOYANGQI TOWN, SONGLING AREA, DAXINGANLING CITY HELONGJIANG, CHINA Website: Zhongbei Northland Bio Chem Co., Ltd
Email: Mobile:
Fax: 86 452 6197939 MSN:

Chinese name:盐酸普鲁卡因 Cas No.:59-46-1 Content:99% Standard:USP Fuction : Procaine is a local anestheticdrug of the amino ester group. It is used primarily to reduce the pain of intramuscular injection ofpenicillin, and it was also used indentistry. Owing to the ubiquity of the trade name Novocain, in some regions procaine is referred to generically as novocaine. It acts mainly by being a sodium channel blocker. Packing:25kgs, packed with a paperplate, inside lined with paper and polyethylene bags TEL: 0086 452 * FAX: 0086 452 * Email:

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