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Huir mainly product Ginkgo Biloba Extract

ID:509133 View:3357 Collection
Date Listed: 2017-05-04 14:28:51 Country: China»Hunan»ChangSha
Poster: Snail Cai Company: Changsha Huir Biological-tech Co., Ltd
Location: Fl 5 Jindan Building Longping High-tech Park, Changsha, China Website: Changsha Huir Biological-tech Co., Ltd
Email: Mobile: 18373165295
Fax: 86-731-84152788 MSN:

Ginkgo biloba, or maidenhair tree, is renowned worldwide for its medicinal properties. This remarkable tree is known as a 'living fossil', as it is the sole survivor of an ancient group of trees that date back to beyond the time of the dinosaurs. Changsha Huir provides 100% natural and quality Ginkgo Biloba powdered extract from Jiangsu, the largest producer of Ginkgo.   Product Name Ginkgo Biloba  Extract Latin Name Ginkgo Biloba L. Active Ingredient Ginkgo Glycosides Content 24%/6% Test Method HPLC Extract Method Solvent Extraction Part Used Leaf Appearance Brown yellow powder CAS No. *-36-6 Formula C15H18O8 Prevent Alzheimer Ginkgo leaf is often taken by mouth for memory disorders including Alzheimer's disease. It is also used for conditions that seem to be due to reduced blood flow in the brain, especially in older people Improve Circulation Ginkgo seems to improve blood circulation, which could help the brain, eyes, ears, and legs function better. It promotes good blood circulation in the brain and protects the brain and other parts from neuronal damage. Antioxidant Ginkgo biloba extract is effective in fighting the oxidative stress related to aging. It can ameliorate the mitochondria respiratory chain function by quenching the superoxide anion, and the hydroxyl radicals. Package 1kg/vacuum pack, 25kg/drum, or on customer's demand. Storage Stored in a cool and dry well-closed place; Kept away from high temperature or direct sun light. Shelf Life Two Years when properly stored. Delivery EMS, FedEx, DHL, Air freight or Ocean freight based on quantity. Seller: Snail Cai Tel:86-0736-* Phone:86-* Email:h*ir.comSkype:Snailhuir Skype:Snai*

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