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    SciTech >Google's loss really is Baidu's gain

The US search company's decision led to most of its advertisers reducing spending by about 30 percent.

"The fall of Google's market share in the first quarter reflects the advertisers' concerns on the future of Google's Hong Kong site and its soured relationship with the Chinese government," said Edward Yu, president of Analysys International. "Since the site is still accessible to users in the mainland, we expect Google's market share to recover in the second quarter."

According to Analysys International, Google's market share in China fell to 30.9 percent in the first quarter, from 35.6 percent three months earlier. Baidu's market share rose from 58.4 percent to 64 percent, the Beijing-based research firm said.

The search engine market share is based on revenue, rather than user numbers.

Access to Google's new site in Hong Kong has been normal for most mainland users. Google's other services, such as maps, video and music search are also functioning normally.

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