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oil purification machine

ID:11344 View:1430
Date Listed: 2011-11-07 10:56:37 Country: China»Chongqing»Chongqing
Poster: August Q Company: Calors D Oil Purifier Manufacture.
Location: Torch No.101Ave Website: Calors D Oil Purifier Manufacture.
Email: Mobile: +86-15823511984
Fax: +86-23-86197078 MSN:

1. This machine is high effective and portable, which is very suit to operate on line. Also it can be used to dry the electric equipment and input the oil into the electric equipment under the vacuum state. 2.The machine adopts the double-infrared liquid automatic controller, sensitive automatic pressure protector and the high effective equipment for degas, so it is easy to operate. 3. High vacuum limiting vacuum less than 5pa, working vacuum less than 35pa. 4. High absorption speed, absorption speed power more than 333L/Sr. 5. Duplex 3D stereo-evaporation technology, eliminating the liquid water very effectively. 6. UK G technology by which the trace water that is show chain, such as dissolved water, can be removed effect. 7. Distinctive removing impurities technology filtering through double FH trapezoidal network and absorbing by high polymer without the mechanical power. 8. Carbon fiber infrared heating system that can make the oil contains zero sum of ethyne after treatment. 9. The oil of any grades can be treated on line at the working site. 10. The Automatic oil purifier model is installed with PLC (Programmable logical control system) which can control the equipment automatically to every stage of its process and ensure its process and ensure its safe operation on site and on line without human supervision. 11. Can be operated both on-line and off-line. Please contact:August Email:augustqh(at)gmail(.)com oilpurifier.august(at)zhongnengcq(.)cn Tel:0086-* Fax:0086-* Mobile:0086-*

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