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Customer Hardware 05

ID:117046 View:772
Date Listed: 2016-08-14 11:37:33 Country: China»Guangdong»Dongguan
Poster: Baron Company: Dongguan jiya machinery CO., LTD
Location: Jiya Industrial Park Dongpu Village Website: Dongguan jiya machinery CO., LTD
Email: Mobile: +8615916991001
Fax: MSN:

Customer Hardware Hello. My name BARON. Our factory has 20 years of experience in precision machining parts in China. Would welcome the opportunity to cooperate with you. Thank you. We can do everything you need. Holp to recieve your E-mial. Thank you very much. Dongguan Jiya Machinery Co., Ltd. Baron lee Mobile: +86 * Facebook: baron.lee.338 Whatapp: Baronlea E-mail: bar*om Phone: +86 0769-* FAX: 0769-* Address: Jiya Industrial Park Dongpu Village Dalingshan town Dongguan China Jiya Machinery Metal processing CNC processing Hardware Accessories Machining Parts Processing car parts Motor parts Mold shaft Manufacturing Machining

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