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Flat Wire Screen

ID:12145 View:1752
Date Listed: 2011-11-28 11:01:21 Country: China»Hebei»Shijiazhuang
Poster: ashley,zhang Company: HeBei LongJia Wedgewire Screen.,LTD
Location: No58,Chaoyang Road,Xinhua district Website: HeBei LongJia Wedgewire Screen.,LTD
Email: Mobile: 158331197742
Fax: 0311-87796662 MSN:

Flat welded wedge wire panels offer a perfectly flat and smooth surface with rectangular openings.They are made from V shaped profile wire,with an unique welding process,offering great strength, precision,long service life and a wide range of applications.A curved screen has greater capacity than a flat screen due to forces exerted as material flows against the curved surface. The slot opening we can get down to 0.02mm.The material we usually use are SS304,SS316,SS316L,etc.We can make it in flat panel or curved type.We can also add frame to the sieve screen on your demand. The SS material and the detail dimensions are all customized.

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