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UV-stop quartz tube

ID:14871 View:1738
Date Listed: 2012-08-29 17:32:45 Country: China»Jiangsu»Lianyungang
Poster: Mary Company: Lianyungang Langston Quartz Glass CO.,LTD
Location: North of Qilin Road, Western Economic Development Zone of Donghai Website: Lianyungang Langston Quartz Glass CO.,LTD
Email: Mobile: 15861256692
Fax: 86-518-87025307 MSN:

UV-stop Quartz Tube We started by UV-stop quartz tubes. Its surface is clear or slight blue and its cut surface is light blue. Besides its good physical and chemical capabilities as common quartz tubes have, it also can filter out wavelength between 190-320nm, which stops the radiation to the body. It serves as the material of quartz halogen lamps, high density discharge lamps and other UV-light, which prevent the harm to the skin of people and things which have to be under the UV radiation. It sets out the maximum visible light at the same time.

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