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Gabion Wiremesh

ID:168602 View:1188
Date Listed: 2017-07-24 19:24:55 Country: China»Hebei»Hengshui
Poster: Fupan Sun Company: Hebei shineyond metal products co.,ltd
Location: North Zhengrao Road, Diwo Village, Anping Website: Hebei shineyond metal products co.,ltd
Email: Mobile: 18830835666
Fax: 86-318-7729111 MSN:

Gabion mesh is also called Gabion box, it’s parts are mesh that woven from galvanized wire or galvanized & PVC coating wire that twisted by heavy machine into honeycomb style, then through cutting, mesh reinforcement, connected, assemble into square box. In river channel network application advantages: (1) environmental protection, natural material, environment, plants can grow in them, and meet the requirements; (2) integrity, the structure is not easy to break; (3) flexible, able to adapt to the foundation deformation without damage; (4) the durability, gabion mesh using zinc coating and PVC coating wire, long service life. (5) water permeability, internal structure can be waterproof, does not need special drainage facilities; (6) low cost, less material, construction is convenient.

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