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Wooden furniture-Queen Chair

ID:1764 View:1556
Date Listed: 2010-04-12 15:38:11 Country: China»Guangdong»Jiangmen
Poster: William Yang Company: Pinshanxuan Ancient Ship-wood Art Furniture
Location: No.1, East Big Road, Xinhui District, Jiangmen City,Guangdong Province Website: Pinshanxuan Ancient Ship-wood Art Furniture
Email: Mobile: 13828085955
Fax: 86-0750-6428115 MSN:

An old wooden boat has undergone years of Xian Li, suffered seawater immersion, suffered the torment of the sun, that the vicissitudes of history which have been documented. Ship wood furniture generally retained the original wooden boats in the scars, holes, ravines, and deep shallow special color, shows the old vessels of wood incomplete America, wood lubrication sense of the natural and artistic sophistication of the rough between the old vessels of wood shown the maximum charm. "Commodities Shangxuan" boats wooden furniture, materials, water swallow more than a larger selection of retired in the post-World War II period removed the old ship of wood, these old wooden boats, mostly catalpa wood, teak, ferrea, stone Shiiki, Queensland Austin, etc., materials hard, can be well-storms. Old vessels of wood re-use, not only is in compliance with resources, environmental protection, and even far-reaching.

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