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ID:186194 View:704
Date Listed: 2020-08-13 13:43:43 Country: China»Henan»Zhengzhou
Poster: sunshine Company: More SuperHard Products
Location: No.171 Zhongyuan Rd, Zhongyuan District, Zhengzhou Website: More SuperHard Products
Email: Mobile: 037186545906
Fax: MSN:

From More Super Hard, you can get a PCD reamer with high accurate, reliable quality and economic to solve your problems in bores machining. Simple PCD reamers, customized multiblade stepped reamers and on to customer. Features: Rough machining serrated design to reduce vibration; Finishing adds supporting blades to ensure stability; Parameter: Linear velocity Vc(m/min): 350 Cutting tools diameter(mm): 22 Rotate speed (1/min): 5067 Teeth number: 2 Feed per teeth fz(mm): 0.15 Feed F(mm): 1520 Cutting-in Ap(mm): --

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