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ID:18956 View:1058
Date Listed: 2013-07-18 14:16:38 Country: China»Hubei»wuhan
Poster: Carrie Xiao Company: Cinnamic Family
Location: zhongshan road Website: Cinnamic Family
Email: Mobile: 18062666838
Fax: 68886696 MSN:

Rosone Product name: Rosone Synonyms: Rosalin;Trichloromethyl carbinyl acetate CAS Registry Number: 90-17-5 Assay: 98% M.W.:C10H9Cl3O2=267.55 Appearance:white to pale yellow crystal. Melting point:86-88℃,assay:97.5.0%; Soluability:1g product is soluble in 25 shares of 95% ethanol (w/v),not soluble in water. Boiling point:280-282℃. Uses:fragrances.can be used in daily use perfumes especially for soaps and sachet essence.

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