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Vertical lathe china

ID:27378 View:970
Date Listed: 2014-08-29 17:00:37 Country: China»Liaoling»Dalian
Poster: Helen Xin Company: Dalian New Earth Machinery Co.,Ltd
Location: Zhuanghe, Dalian City, Liaoning, China Website: Dalian New Earth Machinery Co.,Ltd
Email: Mobile: 8618940849793
Fax: 8641139682334 MSN:

  The China Vertical lathe features   1 CNC vertical lathe is a advanced equipment with high performance, wide working processing scope and high production efficiency. They be used for mechanical processing such as rough and finishing machining inside and outside the cylinder, inner and outer conical surface, head face,grooving, arc surface and all kinds of curvilinear surface, thread’s etc.   2 The main shaft of workbench is centered by the high precision and adiustable diametral clearance biserial short cylindrical roller bearing. With the constant current and static pressure rack in axial direction. The workbench has the features of high running accuracy, large carrying capacity and small thermal deformation.   3 The pedestal, workbench. lathe body and beam are made of ferrosteel with high strength and high abrasive resistance , tempering treatment, eliminate internal stress and deformation.   4. The guide surfaces of lathe body, beam and ram using accurate grinding、good interface and high precision. Beams with hydraulic two-spot locking, feeding is large,without tremble.   5.Machine tools feeding is driven by AC servomotor, ball screw drive. The beam and vertical tool posts are covered with sealing shied which make the lathe more safe and easy to operate.   6.The main shaft of the lathe is driven by AC motor. With the 16 step speed changing mechanism to the main shaft. Achieved the workbench rotate speed range. 7 Imported or home-made controlling systems can be adopted according to user’s needs.Also can additional accessories for electric grinding head.Vertical lathe factory: Dalian New Earth Machinery Co.,Ltd, It is one of the largest vertical lathe manufacturer in China, the main products: conventional vertical lathes, CNC vertical lathes, CNC High-speed vertical lathe, Vertical turning Machines, China vertical lathe and so on.

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