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valerian extract

ID:4526 View:1601
Date Listed: 2011-01-27 11:34:01 Country: China»Heilongjian»DaXingAnLing
Poster: Linda Company: DaXingAnLing Gadol Sports Ingredient Co., Ltd
Location: 18 YongXing Street, XiaoYangQi Town,Songling District, DaXingAnLing City ,HeiLongJiang ,China Website: DaXingAnLing Gadol Sports Ingredient Co., Ltd
Email: Mobile:
Fax: 86-0452-6102659 MSN:

Specification:0.25%,0.8%,20% Test Methods:UV Active Compound: Valerian acid Solvent: Ethanol Packing Type: Double-decker vacuum plastic, 2.5kgs/bags,25kgs/carton, 25kgs/drum Effection: ( Valerian has a calming effect, can strengthen the process of cortical inhibition, to reduce the reflection excited, the removal of smooth muscle spasm,It Can relieve insomnia, sleep disorders, panic, anxiety disorders and other ailments, but also to relax the muscles so that the oil recovery steady-state within the environment..

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