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Bitter Melon Powder Extract

ID:46708 View:3667 Collection
Date Listed: 2008-09-01 11:19:19 Country: China»Hunan»changsha
Poster: tina Company: Naturalin bio-resource co.,ltd
Location: A-2002,time pioneer ,No98 sifangping,changsha,Hunan,China Website: Naturalin bio-resource co.,ltd
Email: Mobile:
Fax: 86-731-4834162 MSN:

Bitter Melon Powder Extract Bitter melon is the fruit of momordica charantia L produced in tropical areas. It tastes bitter with the characteristic feature, coolness. According to the traditional Chinese pharmacology .It can expel heat, brighten eyes, eliminate toxin, decrease blood sugar and invigorate human body. It is used in the folk prescriptions in India, Africa and southeast America. Chrantin, the active ingredient in it is yellowish to yellow powder, tastes bitter. It can treat pyreticosis, polydipsia, summerheat stroke, high fever and pain, carbuncle, erysipelas malignant apthae, diabetes and Aids Bitter Melon Extract Specification: Product name :Bitter melon extract Botanical name: Momordica charantia L Part used :fruits Package: 25kg/drum Description: yellow powder Charantin: ≥1.0% Loss on drying:≤5.0% Particle size: 80 mesh Heavy metals: ≤20ppm Arsenic: ≤2ppm Total plate count : ≤1000cfu/g Molds and yeast: ≤100cfu/g

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