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Antislip Plywood

ID:574053 View:1545 Collection
Date Listed: 2018-10-30 14:29:58 Country: China»Jiangsu»Lianyungang
Location: Haizhou District,Lianyungang Website: PIZHOU WUDE BUILDING MATERIALS
Email: Mobile: 18112180757
Fax: MSN:

If put in boiling water for 48 hours, it is still glue-sticking and non-deformed  Physical mood is better than iron moulds and can satisfy the requirements of constructing mould, the iron ones are easy to be deformed and can hardly recover its smoothness even after repairing If used abide by the illustrations strictly, it can be reused more than 50 times,  Reducing the cost greatly and avoiding the disadvantages from ( rustily and erosive of iron mould) Solves the problems of leaking and rough surface during constructing process Particularly suitable for watering concrete project , can make the concrete surface smooth and flat Realizing a higher economic profits.

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