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Cargo V Custom Metal Pins

ID:575127 View:2376 Collection
Date Listed: 2019-02-15 10:59:53 Country: United States»California»Bloomington
Poster: GS-JJ Company: GSJJanimalpins
Location: 20829 West Valley Boulevard Website: GSJJanimalpins
Email: Mobile: +1 8888644755
Fax: MSN:

Check out of the Cargo V Custom Metal Pins,The custom hat pins is a atmosphere custom pins which only use two colors match.The rised word Cargo used blsck enamel color,and the sunken area filled with white enamel colors The custom pins no minimum also have several white dots on the capitazl letter V. although it is not much in color and simple in the custom hat pins shape, the custom lapel pins give people a sense of exquisite and technology. If you like this unique type of custom enamel pins, GS-JJ lapel pin manufacturers can be customized. GS-JJ lapel pin maker offer custom enamel pins no minimum, if it is necessary, we could also design and custom for you for free.

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