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high silica fiberglass mesh filter

ID:514430 View:1192 Collection
Date Listed: 2017-06-03 20:36:51 Country: China»Chongqing»Chognqing
Poster: Michael Company: KIN Filter Engineering Co.,Limited.
Location: Room 2, Floor 32, Building 1, Duhe Plaza, Lijiatuo Street, Banan District, Chongqing, China Website: KIN Filter Engineering Co.,Limited.
Email: Mobile: 18696581373
Fax: 023-86390264 MSN:

Product Description high silica fiberglass mesh casting filter can effectively remove slag,refractory particles and non-metallic inclusions from molten metals.It is developed as a low cost but with rather filtration efficiency alternative to ceramic foam filters. Made from specially treated silica yarns,high silica fiberglass mesh filters are capable of withstanding pouring temperatures up to 1620 Degree C. high silica fiberglass mesh filters are ideal for in-mold filtration of gray, malleable,white,compacted graphite and ductile cast irons, as well as non-ferrous aluminum and copper-based metal alloys and many types of small scale steel casting filtration. Product Feature - Low cost and easy to use - Improves fluidity and metal distribution - Removes micron sized inclusions and impurities - Can be used with existing pattern equipment - Eliminates inclusions created by ceramic chips Application / Models APPLICATIONS: - Cut pieces for in mold filtration like sand casting,gravity casting,etc. - Cut pieces for riser sleeves,bottom or across ports in walls - Cut pieces to provide a weakened plane for riser knock-off - Cup shapes for investment casting

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