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    China >Cholera death toll in Haiti rises to 917
A Haitian resident holds her baby, who is suffering from cholera, at St-Catherine hospital in the slum of Cite-Soleil in Port-au-Prince November 12, 2010. (Xinhua/Reuters Photo)

SANTO DOMINGO, Nov. 14 (Xinhua) -- The number of deaths in Haiti due to the cholera epidemic rose to 917, the Haitian Public Health Ministry said on Sunday.

According to information reaching here from Port-au-Prince, Haiti's capital, Health Minister Gabriel Timothee said that the authorities have redoubled efforts to save more lives.

During a press conference, Timothee said that they had established 10 centers of Cholera Treatment in Oeste department, including Port-au-Prince.

He said that the increase of the deaths does not mean that the prevention campaign had failed, adding more efforts will be exerted to stop the spread of the epidemic.

Haiti has launched a strong awareness campaign in the media to spread it through the public and private networks of the country.

Haitian President Rene Preval on Sunday said that "if the people get the information, we can reduce the number of deaths."
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