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ID:594602 View:1265 Collection
Date Listed: 2023-04-13 15:04:44 Country: China»Hunan»changsha
Poster: Lucy Company: Hunan jiahome Technology Co.,Ltd
Location: Wanjiali Middle Road, Hehua Road, Furong District, Changsha City, Hunan Province, China Website: Hunan jiahome Technology Co.,Ltd
Email: Mobile: 15274981317
Fax: MSN:

Water-proof design with IP65 Protection level 2. Integrated with splice cassette and cable management system 3. Manage fibers in a reasonable fiber radius condition 4. Easy to maintain and extend the capacity 5. Fiber bend radius control more than 40mm 6. Suitable for the fusion splice or mechanical splice 7. 1*8/1*16 Insertion Module Splitter can be installed 8. 2 ports cable entrance for FTTH Drop Cable

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