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ID:594603 View:1024 Collection
Date Listed: 2023-04-13 15:04:42 Country: China»Hunan»changsha
Poster: Lucy Company: Hunan jiahome Technology Co.,Ltd
Location: Wanjiali Middle Road, Hehua Road, Furong District, Changsha City, Hunan Province, China Website: Hunan jiahome Technology Co.,Ltd
Email: Mobile: 15274981317
Fax: MSN:

This equipment is used in FTTH systems client wiring devices, mainly used for welding into the side of the optical transmission terminals, splitting, wiring output function, can effectively be the end of the cable, protection and management, optical network transmission the required process equipment. 100% ISO IEC Certificated Manufacturer ,Help You Save Purchase Cost ! Click send inquiry to get best offer and free sample now !

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